Accounting financial outsourcing
Can better results be obtained by outsourcing the accounting function – financial, internal audit and control?
Top management cannot be distracted from the “Core” or main business activity. Outsourcing the services of Accountant, Comptroller, or Financial Manager, Internal Control Chief, allow value to be added to your business by assigning trained professionals with the skills required for each company or Group, to effectively solve the lack of this function, and that financial information can be generated in a timely manner for decision making of the senior management.
Limited review
According to a limited application of audit procedures arranged with the client, this service allows to focus on specific sectors or areas, issuing focused reports. For example, agreed upon procedures in different fields, including the report required by the Superintendency of Banks of Guatemala to assess compliance regarding money laundering and terrorist financing legislation.
Money laundering seeks to hide or conceal the nature, origin, location, property or control of money and / or illegally obtained assets. It seeks to introduce into the economy assets of illicit origin, giving them legal appearance, which allows criminal organizations and criminals to hide the illegal origin of their product without jeopardizing its source. Companies should avoid being used as means for money laundering.