Accounting & auditing

Accounting & auditing

You want to know where you stand – allow us audit you.

Our basic approach is interdisciplinary and problem-related, tailored to meet your needs and in compliance with legal requirements – this is how we audit your past performance and map out your future prospects.

For us, auditing implies much more than a confirmation that you have conducted your accounting procedures in a proper manner. Our aim is to make a contribution towards converting risks into opportunities and adapting your management and control to meet the requirements of your market and the expectations of your stakeholders. A holistic approach integrates the services provided by our various specialists whilst focussing on the success of your business.

We are aware that prompt delivery and easy accessibility are key factors in your choice of tax advisor. You will find an Ecovis office in your vicinity; thanks to short lines of communication we can produce practical solutions at short notice. A transnational knowledge network provides our local partners with support in dealing with more complex questions in the fields of taxation, law, transactions and risk management.

A substantial element of our corporate culture is the high quality standards we set ourselves. Some time ago now, we submitted our quality assurance system for approval by an external quality control review programme. Ecovis was one of the first German auditing firms to be registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).

We speak the same language as other medium-sized enterprises: businesspeople who advise businesspeople.

We offer

  • payroll accounting
  • financial accounting
  • all types of annual reporting
  • interim financial statements
  • auditing of annual accounts and consolidated financial statements
  • international accounting
    • annual reports according to IAS/IFRS and US-GAAP
    • conversion of accounts according to national accounting principles to IAS/IFRS and US-GAAP
    • auditing of annual accounts according to IAS/IFRS and US-GAAP
  • special audits as required by legislation
    • audits at first stage of establishment of joint-stock companies
    • audits upon change of corporate form and mergers
    • audits according to the German directive governing real-estate agents and property developers
  • investigation into or streamlining of operating procedures and in- house monitoring systems
  • investigation into or implemen- tation of risk management and monitoring systems
  • Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) readiness and audit
  • preparation and verification of management appraisals
  • due diligence audits
  • advice on purchase and sale of companies
  • advice on joint ventures, management buy-outs and buy-ins
  • advice on initial public offering (IPO)


You can reach us in our various locations or centrally in Berlin:

ECOVIS International
Bertha-Benz-Straße 5
10557 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30-31 00 08 55
Fax: +49 30-31 00 08 56