Income tax return
You must inform the local tax authorities about your income and assets
Every year anyone who is liable to pay tax in Denmark must inform the local tax authorities about his income and assets.
This is done by handing in an income tax return.
In practice, the local tax authorities send out an income tax return form in March or April stating your income and allowances in the previous income year.
The form is based on the figures that are known to the local tax authorities. You are under an obligation to check whether the figures correspond to your actual income and allowances for the year in question.
You can correct the figures stated by the local tax authorities in the form and fill in the correct figures before returning the income tax return to the local tax authorities before the 1st of May. The correct figures may be submitted on the actual income tax return, by telephone or by the Internet on the homepage of the Central Tax Administration.
Income tax returns in relation to foreign income
If you receive income, own property, hold a bank account or pension savings abroad, including the country you moved from, you must fill in a special “income tax return for foreign income”. This income tax return can be obtained from your local tax authority or from the homepage of the Central Tax Administration “SKAT”.
Please note whether or not the country you have moved from still requires an income tax return.
Income tax return for people with limited tax liability
If you are subject to limited tax liability; you have to fill in a special “Income tax return for people with limited tax liability”. This income tax return can be obtained from your local tax authority or from the homepage of the Central Tax Administration.