Sergio Couce Marqués

Sergio Couce Marqués

Supervisor, Audit Practice


Phone: +34 91 458 57 86

Sergio has 10 years of experience in the field of auditing, 8 of which serving as an internal auditor for our Firm, participating in and contributing his expert input to the development of the business culture of which we are all part.
He has a didactic approach, having taught classes as a professor of Introductory Accounting.
He is characterized by the versatility of the work in which he participates, largely mandatory and voluntary account audits, covering most industries and including corporate groups requiring limited reviews, as well as the audit of consolidated accounts. He also has extensive experience in mandatory audit work in the area of residential cooperatives.
He takes part in specialized tasks for the preparation of financial statements for all types of enterprises and provides specialized accounting guidance to clients.

Educational Background

Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Management (UCIII), 2005.
Master’s in Financial Management and Stock Exchange Trading (2010-2013).


Spanish and English.