Ecovis in Tunisia
Established by 4 former Big 4 managers, Ecovis KDH Partners Tunisia is providing a wide range of audit, accounting and consulting services. Ecovis KDH Partners Tunisia, with its multidisciplinary team, is assisting local and foreign companies and investors, acting in all the sectors, to reach the international standards and levels of excellence in their businesses.
Our team includes a professional team of auditors and consultants managed by 4 founder Partners and 2 managers. Our commitment is to provide services with high level of accuracy and professionalism to win the client satisfaction and confidence.
With our unique work chart, we remain close to our clients and reactive to their needs. Each Ecovis KDH Partners Tunisia teamis structured to deal with all accounting, legal and tax issues. Besides, specific knowledge, skills and competences were added to each team.
ECOVIS Tunisia IT Consulting
ECOVIS Tunisia IT Consulting, member of Ecovis International is a subsidiary of Ecovis KDH Partners ( The audit and consulting firm), it helps organizations in Tunisia and other North African Countries to focus on the technology risks that are inherent in today’s highly complex computing environments. Our specialists at Ecovis Tunisia IT Consulting have years of experience in solutions for offices. They can help you setting up your ICT-strategy and –policy so they perfectly fit your business. They can also support you with implementation and execution. Since most companies operate with significant reliance on information technology systems and processes, threats to that technology and the business processes they support are increased. In today’s landscape, most organizations have vulnerabilities in these areas.
Our methodologies are scalable and flexible to meet a broad range of client needs and to align with statutory requirements and the risk profile of the firm. For delivery of our engagements we can bring our complete suite of methods and supporting tools or alternatively, work within your established frameworks and supplement this with our own tools, methods and practices as appropriate.
We pride ourselves in being able to perform technically complex reviews and we expect all our IT audit staff to possess qualifications in IT as well as accounting or related field.