Legal services
Ecovis Georgia offers ongoing legal services to local and international companies whose operations simultaneously cover aspects of the jurisdiction of several countries or territories.
As part of the global ECOVIS network, we offer legal services in the areas of business law, administrative law, procedural law.
- Legal consultation;
- Preparing the documents;
- Representation (protection of interests before administrative bodies, courts, regulators, etc.);
- Legal audit (determining compliance with applicable law);
- Due diligence (while purchasing, entering into a transaction, etc.);
- Drawing up a plan/concept/strategy for legal procedures;
- Preparing a legal opinion;
- Legal support during, before or after inspection before regulators and/or inspectors (e.g.: labour inspection, competition agency, communications commission, etc.);
- Planning to receive the legal services internationally, on the base of Ecovis network;
- Legal support of international transactions;
- Legal support of startups, from the moment of formation;
- Legal support for management of accounts receivables;
Main areas:
Corporate Law
Full corporate legal support, including:
- Legal support at the stages of establishment, operation, termination of operation of the company;
- Legal support for reorganization or at the stage of liquidation;
- Preparation of corporate documents;
- Legal support for concluding corporate transactions;
- Derivative suit preparation and court proceedings;
- and other corporate law matters.
Labour Law
Full legal support including:
- Preparing the documentation (labour contract, bylaws, etc.);
- Legal support for reorganization;
- Preventive measures for labour dispute;
- Dispute management in case of labour dispute.
The Law of Obligation and Contracts
- Concluding the transactions related to the Business law, etc; share purchase, transactions related to requirements/claims, etc.;
- Legal support of the claim for fulfilment of the obligations arising under the contract or legally binding relations;
- Managing the process of claiming damages;
- Conduct affairs within the framework of obligatory claim;
- Assistance in ensuring that the client’s interests are taken into account as much as possible while agreeing on the terms of the contract (share purchase agreement, real estate purchase agreement, rental, lease, services, etc.);
- Support of banking/insurance/guarantee transactions;
- Legal support for protection of business reputation;
- Revision of agreements.
Private international law
- Providing legal assistance in the process of disputes arising from international relations of obligation;
- Consultation with regard to the applicable legal order, in the process of preparing the contract;
- Legal support at the stage of contract preparation.
Tax law
- Representation in disputes related to tax notice.