Jain University from Bangalore on Visit in Beijing

2 min.

By ECOVIS Beijing

On the 28th of May 2014, Ms. Manuela Reintgen from ECOVIS Beijing gave a presentation for MBA students of entrepreneurship from Jain University in Bangalore, India about doing business in China. The students were on a ten-day trip through China and had just arrived in Beijing when they were invited to listen to Manuela’s speech at the embassy of Rwanda. For many of the students, the trip to China was their first ever visit to the country and they therefore listened attentively and with great interest to her experiences and insights. Manuela has lived and worked in China for more than five years and therefore gave the students a brief introduction about the Chinese economy and culture in the beginning.

jain_university_from_bangalore_on_visit_in_beijing_manuela_reintgen jain_university_from_bangalore_on_visit_in_beijing_enterpreneurship_mba_studentsManuela later focused her presentation on the differences in market entry strategies with their advantages, requirements, time frames and challenges and answered the students’ business oriented questions. She concluded her presentation by talking about her personal life outside of ECOVIS Beijing and about her observations of how the cultural environment in China is rapidly changing and becoming more diverse. The students thanked Ms. Reintgen and took a group picture to remember their first days in China. On the day following the presentation the group headed onwards to Shanghai – now with more insight into doing business in China.

With contributions by Markus Mönch (ECOVIS Beijing)

Contact person

Lawyer in Heidelberg, Richard Hoffmann
Richard Hoffmann
Lawyer in Heidelberg
Phone: +49 6221 9985 639