Competition, Procurement & Public Contracts

Competition, Procurement & Public Contracts

The Danish Competition Act is one of the most important pieces of legislation governing the corporate sector, and competition law is characterised by severe sanctions (fines and, in the worst case, imprisonment) and the risk of incurring reputation loss in case of violations.

ECOVIS Legal Denmark can help you steer clear of the pitfalls. This goes for all types of competition cases, whether they concern anti-competitive agreements, abuse of a dominant position or merger control in connection with mergers and acquisitions. We have significant experience with representing corporate clients in connection with public cases and civil actions (legal proceedings) concerning competition law issues. We also represent corporate clients in criminal proceedings in the competition area.

In addition, we offer advisory services on public procurement law at a highly specialised level, including advice on public procurement and public tender strategies to the contracting entity, preparation of tenders and – in the worst case – handling of complaints. We also offer advisory services to corporate clients on the participation in tenders, including review and analysis of the tender material, preparation of the tender and, if relevant, complaints or legal proceedings.