

We prepare all primary books of account, payrolls, VAT returns, levies and all other areas of the accounting function.

We deliver monthly management reports, annual financial statements and taxation reports as requested.

  • Basic bookkeeping to trial balance, including processing of all financial information
  • Monthly management accounting and reporting
  • Preparation of budgets
  • Payroll services, including salary calculations, payslip generation and salary advice
  • Submission of monthly EMP201 returns
  • Reconciliation and submission of bi-annual and annual EMP501 payroll returns
  • Preparation and submission of monthly VAT201 returns
  • Preparation of solvency and liquidity schedules, which are mandatory in terms of the Section 4 of the Companies Act, in order for directors to avoid personal liability in terms of Section 22 of the Act
  • Registration of all Taxes

Contact us:

Accountant, Auditor and Tax Practitioner in South Africa
Niel Pienaar
Accountant, Auditor and Tax Practitioner
Phone: +27 11 450 4641
Mobile: +27 84 894 7022
Accountant, Auditor in South Africa
Rossouw Pieterse
Accountant, Auditor
Phone: +27 11 450 4641
Mobile: +27 83 410 2353

Scope of services: